A healthy cookie is honestly HARD to find. or at least one that is crunchy and actually cookie like. I have had some serious cookie fails (usually with protein powders) in the kitchen and so each batch always comes out of the oven with a little natural hesitation. But FINALLY here is a cookie that tastes amazing and won’t disappoint on the crunch or taste factor. Continue reading “SALTED CACAO AND HAZELNUT COOKIES”


The other day I caught myself out by saying “oooo if you are feeling sick eat white foods… they are apparently good for your immune system” and then followed by listing off all of the white coloured foods I could think of… Onion, garlic, mushrooms, leeks, cauliflower… and then I stopped realising that I had only ‘heard’ this once and had NO IDEA why or if it was true.

So here is the dirt behind why certain food colours mean certain things to our body and why.

WHITE = IMMUNITY (beta-glucans); Immune system. Ok so I was right here. White foods activate our natural killer cells and reduce cancer risk whilst strengthening our immune systems

RED = HEART (lycopene); improves heart and blood health, supports joints and increases circulation.

ORANGE = VISION (beta-carotene); boosts eye and skin health and may decrease your risk of developing cancer

YELLOW = BEAUTY (carotenoids); stimulates digestion and promotes collagen growth for radiant youthful skin and strong bones

BLUE/PURPLE = AGING (anthocyanins); powerful healing antioxidants for retinal health and vision, assisting with healthy aging and improving memory

GREEN = DETOXING (chlorophyll); powerful detoxers, improves oxygenation and normalises digestion

So now when mum says “eat your greens” you can turn around and say “but what about my reds and whites too?”



What’s a freezer without a stash of wholesome muffins? Every second Sunday I find myself in the kitchen whipping up a large batch of healthy banana muffins for on the go quick snacks, morning teas or when you just feel like a muffin. These are quick and simple and a great recipe for the kids (nut free) Give them a go! Continue reading “SUGAR FREE BANANA AND BLUEBERRY MUFFINS”


I refer to this satay sauce quite a lot in my recipes. Satay pies, curries, stir frys, pizzas, burgers and as a dipping sauce for rice paper rolls, spring rolls or meatballs. It is pretty simple to make and a great healthy low fat alternative to the processed sugary sauces you buy from the super market. Just make sure you have your peanut butter tub ready to rock and roll – and sample as you go! It is delish! Continue reading “SATAY SAUCE”


If there is one word in the health and fitness industry that makes people confused and nervous it would have to be CARBS!! Mention the word carbs to a friend or work colleague and you are better get comfy because chances are you are in for an epic convo/essay. Everyone has read some glossy fitspo mag which seems to claim the secret low down on carbs. Only problem is, next months issue will probably be claiming something different. Continue reading “CARB IT UP”


Whether it is the fact that Valentine’s Day is this weekend or that people seem to be talking about what they are “giving up” for lent, there’s no hiding the fact that chocolate is in the air. These heart shaped chocolate lemon curd tarts are the perfect raw Valentine treat. Continue reading “CHOCOLATE COCONUT TART WITH LEMON CURD FILLING”



Avocado toast is just one of those ultimate classic dishes right? It is quick, easy, looks gourmet, tastes insane and is super healthy for you – not to mention ON EVERY breakfast menu worth looking at. Hello carbs and healthy fats! Ahhh I have been addicted to avocado toast for quite some while now and it makes the perfect breakfast, morning tea snack, quick lunch, arvo hunger snack or easy lazy dinner. Mmmm you can’t go wrong with natures butter!! Here are 5 new ways that you can pimp your avo toast and make it a little more gourmet or interesting! These combos aren’t for everyone but hopefully one of them tickles your fancy. Otherwise – just stick with the classic.

Continue reading “5 WAYS TO PIMP YOUR AVO TOAST”


It has been a while since I have done a Feature Friday on the blog. Sorry – I have been traveling the world sunning myself for hours on pebbley beaches and cheersing to cocktails at sunset (a lovely way to live for those interested) But it also means that I have neglected a part of me that I am passionate about. My Health, fitness and wellbeing and writing . SO back to the drawing board they say and what better way to start than an Italian style FEATURE FRIDAY. And what better Italian dessert than the ever so famous Tiramisu. This gluten, sugar and dairy free Tiramisu is one to add to the to do list this weekend or the next family affair. An old sugary favourite with a healthy kick thanks to the gorgeous foodie blogger Emily from “This Rawsome Vegan Life”  Continue reading “FEATURE FRIDAY – RAW VEGAN TIRAMISU SLICE”


Because I don’t keep things very private or quiet (never have) you probably ALL know that today is my last day at work. It feels like the last day of school. The unknown of leaving high school or graduating university. Anyway enough of that for now… as my last Friday at work I thought it fitting to have en epic Feature Friday. As a kid those Jaffa chocolate balls were my fave! I love the combo of chocolate and orange (thanks to my dad) and have been drooling over a Jaffa cheesecake for a while now. Continue reading “RAW CHOCOLATE ORANGE JAFFA CHEESECAKE – FEATURE FRIDAY”