When it comes to eating healthy and working out, I rarely fall off the bandwagon. My daily routine consists of leafy greens, my morning coffee, sweaty gym sessions, stretching (and of course sitting on my bum 9-5… yes it’s not all lululemon and relaxing) But despite being a health nut/gym rat, there is one thing that has always stumped me… What to eat before and after a workout? and when? Continue reading “EATING BEFORE AND AFTER A WORKOUT?”


Why is it that something as simple as drinking water can be so difficult to remember? If I don’t have my water bottle on me and am consciously making an effort to drink water, then I will get to the end of the day without even a drip. Of course there is water in my daily coffee and 6 cups of tea BUT this does NOT count! Nope not even in the slightest. And before your clever little Melbourne Cup brain thinks that having a few vodka lime and soda WATERS today will also count – you are wrong!! Drinking alcohol is an even bigger reason to be guzzling back the water.

Yes there is water in the foods that we eat, such as meat, fish, eggs and especially ‘water-rich’ fruits and vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon, apples etc and they DO ‘count’ towards your daily intake BUT we need to drink a LOT more of the pure refreshing liquid on its own to make it really count.

The body is made up of about 60% water. We are constantly losing water from our bodies, primarily via urine and sweat. So how much water should you be drinking everyday? Probably a lot more than you already are (guilty as charged). Everyone is different and it depends on the individual as to how much water we effectively NEED but you should be aiming to drink about 1.5 – 2 L of water a DAY.

Staying well hydrated is important for;
– increasing our energy levels
– improving brain function
– preventing health problems
– increasing metabolism and promoting weight loss
– hydrating our skin and improving complexion
– flushing out toxins
– maintaining regularity
– boosting the immune system

Put it this way – there are NO negative side effects of drinking water. Just don’t wait until 9pm to skull the whole 1.5 L because you will be up every 2 hours going to the bathroom!!

Tips for drinking more water;
– add a squeeze of lemon, fresh mint or berries for flavor (not raspberry cordial thanks)
– pop ice cubes made from fruit into your water
– keep a glass of water handy on your desk or a bottle of water in your handbag/backpack

Water has no calories, is flavourless and most of all it’s FREE!!! Go on – do yourself a favour and fill up a glass right now – especially if you are planning on having a boozy Melbourne cup luncheon.